Browse Our Mental Wellness Courses Online
Are you looking for professional training courses to improve not only your mental health but how you connect with others?
Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH offers mental wellness training and peer support services around the globe and online. Explore our training programs and start your journey with trained peer support instructors today.
Click on the Link to the course you are interested in.
Calendar of Upcoming Training and Workshops:
When Things Don't Seem Right
Downloadable Workshop: When Things Don't Seem Right
Raising a child today with good mental health can be incredibly challenging. Now raising a child that you suspect has a mental health concern can be all consuming. It can be a cruel test in patients and fortitude, it can bend and break your heart in ways you never imagined, it will have you questioning your parenting abilities and can leave you feeling very alone and at times feeling hopeless. This workshop delves into what to do when you start to question that you have more questions than answers. And what to do next.
Created by Kirsten Drybrough and Charlotte Sytnyk and facilitated by Kristen.
Downloadable Workshops for Families:
We have created these downloadable workshops for families who are supporting family members who are struggling with mental health challenges/addiction. To us, family support is just as important as individual support. When one member of the family is struggling, the whole family struggles. We call this the parallel process. And so often how the family is feeling or needing is often forgotten especially in a time of crisis.
All IN workshops were created with the family in mind, and how to best support not only your family member but yourself as well.
Our facilitators all have experienced many life challenges e.g., mental health issues, addictions, divorce, death, abuse, etc. and are using those life experiences to share ways that they found useful in their own recovery story. We are not psychologists/counselors/therapists, we are people who have been trained to use our lived experiences to support others and we want to support you.
Each workshop comes with a workbook and a link to a video where Kirsten is there supporting you as she shares our workshop with you.
As you journey with us through this workshop, please use this workbook as a place to put your thoughts, goals, and plans. This is just a tool that you can use or not. And with anything peer support related, this is by invitation not expectation when we encourage you to try.
Our hope is that through our offerings, families will find the extra support and hope that they need on their family’s journey of recovery.
We look forward to being on this journey with you, and please remember you are not alone.